Categories for Contests

Rochdale Contest Result

The band performed early doors at Rochdale Contest on Sunday October 23rd, we chose to play The Dark Side of… Read more

North West Area 2017

Alan Fernie’s ‘St Andrews Variations’ was the challenge for us this year in Blackpool, the band have been working on… Read more

Rochdale 4th Section Champions 2017

  The band had an early start on October 29th having drawn to play second in the 4th section st… Read more

France 2018

On Thursday May 31st we set off from the bandroom at 6am for the long journey to Amboise, France to… Read more

Cory Online Championships

We have entered the Cory Bands Online Championship contest, an online entertainments contest where we can feature 10 mins of… Read more

6th Place at the NW Areas

Sunday February 26th we competed in the 4th section at the NW Areas contest at the Winter Gardens in Blackpool…. Read more

Chemnitz Music Festival

We are travelling to Manchester’s twinned town in Germany, Chemnitz, to participate in their annual music festival.

Bolsover Champions

Blackley Band claimed the top spot in the 4th section at Bolsover Entertainments contest on Sunday 6th October.

Preston Prizes

Sunday February 1st saw the band perform at Preston Guild Hall in the 4th Section contest. The band opted to… Read more

Rochdale Contest

The band today are performing at Rochdale Contest, we have opted to play Saga of Haakon the Good by Philip… Read more